Sound healing or sound therapy is based on scientific principles that all matter and the cells in our body, vibrate at a precise frequency when healthy and when in dis-ease.
Certain vibrations and tones are able to bring balance to the brain, the body, to reduce anxiety levels, tension within the body, and strengthen your intuition and connection to self. Sound therapy can also be used simply to reduce stress and cultivate peace in our everyday lives.
Vibrational therapy, also known as vibrational medicine, is a holistic healing approach that utilizes the power of vibrations and frequencies to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It's based on the science that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in constant vibration.
When you are receiving sound healing or vibrational medicine (which is what I love to call it), you are allowing all your cells, atoms, muscles, organs, thoughts,
to come back into harmony with your sacred rhythm. The frequency at which your vibrate at your most optimum level.
You are bringing your mind, body, and spirit back into balance.
Reminding yourself what it feels like to be centered, at peace, to think clearly, to feel grounded.

A Sound bath is a healing modality that consists of using an array of different ancient instruments and vocal tones to guide you through a deep meditative experience.
In my sacred sound baths I always infuse it with Reiki energy. I use the gong, crystal singing bowls, native American flutes, tongue drum, guitar, Tibetan bowls, chimes, shamanic drum, vocal serenade, songs, and more. All intuitively channeled by me (the facilitator) with the intention to help bring balance and healing to the mind, body and spirit. These vibrations wash over you and shower you in loving healing frequencies that make you feel held and safe. The guided meditation relaxes your body first so you can enter a delta state of consciousness, which is where internal healing can occur. It is so important to take the time for yourself to unplug and receive. In our society we are constantly doing, doing, doing, this go, go, go mentality. And the sound bath allows us to slow down, letting our energy settle, to fully grasp what it is we are experiencing, what we are learning, what we are feeling. It creates space for us to tap into the heart and be present. To remember that we are worthy of peace. Receiving a sound bath allows us to ground in the present moment and connect to our truest most authentic self. So we can show up in the world from a pure, strong, rooted, sense of self.

Sound Therapy Benefits
Reduces stress
Soothes Anxiety
Instills peace within the body
Naturalizes nervous system
Harmonizes brain hemispheres
Deep relaxation
Lowers heart rate
Helps recover symptoms of chemotherapy
Strengthen immune system
Heighten intuition and perception
Increases vital energy flow, creativity, and motivation
Aids ADHD, improves concentration and productivity
Connection to higher self
Affects all the cells in our body
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